Monday, November 13, 2006

Stepping out of the box!!

I was reminded of how much creatures of habit we are as I taught this past week. One of the students was having trouble 'seeing' what it was I was trying to say and I had to rethink how I was approaching the lesson. This is a good excercise for all of us to do now and again. To stop and think about what we're doing and why we are doing it a certain way. Is it because it's the only way we know how, or because we've done it so often that we don't even think of trying another route??

If you think this doesn't apply to you , stop and think about the millions of things you do without 'thinking'. Do you always drive the same way to work, the library, the grocery store? Do you favor one style of book or magazine over another? Do you do just one craft to the exclusion of all others? Do you think there is only 'one' right way to do things? If you really want to shake things up , watch children who don't know enough yet to know there is only one right way to do things. They approach problems in a variety of ways - they'll try and put that round peg in the square hole.......and sometimes they succeed.

Many inventions have come about because someone questioned why things were as they were or were trying to find a better to way to do things. One of my favorites for quilting is the rotary cutter! Wow!! Has that ever changed the face of quilting - accuracy and speed have increased - sometimes to the detriment of the whole process. Just because you can make a quilt faster doesn't necessarily mean that you should. Sometimes it's the journey that brings the most pleasure and not the final destination.

And in a long winded way , what I'm trying to say here is - stop now and again and re-evaluate what you're doing and why you're doing it. Consider new ways to do things, whether it's teaching, learning or just living!

Step out of the box!!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

What a month!!

I know that I'm not the most consistent poster - but life has been full. Since I last posted, Marley, the new puppy in our lives has doubled in size! I had my car stolen out of my driveway, but thanks to an alert police officer on the Barrie force now have it back. Have taught at the CreativFestival as well as being asked to be one of the designers involved in the Jewels and Jeans fund raiser for the Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto. See, life is never dull!!

Marley has been a good addition to the family - once you get past the puppy stuff - like house training and bouncy critters who just love to play. He has tons of energy and a fun personalty, but like many intelligent dogs such as poodles, he can also be stubborn. We just have to remind him who the alpha is in the house - and it's not him!! Marley has provided us with many hours of laughter and fun!!

The CreativFestival ran from Oct 19 to 22, 2006 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. It's a large event featuring all kinds of creative endeavours - my favorite being the quilting, of course!! I am also now enjoying beads and beading and I did manage to see one or two things that caught my eye in those venues as well ;-) I taught 4 classes and was one of four teachers who taught in the Quilting Round Robin. It's always fun to get to the Festival and renew old aquaintances - some of whom I only see at the Festival!! It's amazing how much life there is to catch up when you only see people twice a year.

My favorite new class this year was my crazy beaded patchwork. I get to mix my two loves, quilting and beading, into one project. The feedback was very favorable and there will defintely be more classes coming out of this style of quilting. The enthusiasm of the students is very infectious.

I was also honored to be asked to decorate a pair of celebrity jeans for the Jewels and Jeans Auction. The proceeds will go to the Sick Kids hospital in Toronto - an amazing place that makes miracles happen for kids! My celebrity jeans came from Shayne Corson - former Toronto Maple Leaf - to check out these jeans and those of other celebrities, go to :
There is some pretty amazing stuff there!!

Now I'm back in my sewingroom working on projects for the spring show and a few other ideas that I have percolating in my brain.....

See you soon......
